Effective water quality
management is built on a foundation of water quality standards. Recognizing
this, most states have focused on making standards defensible from a scientific
and socioeconomic perspective. However, standards must ultimately be
protective, and for that we must consider the operational enforcement of the
Standards become scientifically and
socioeconomically defensible through careful determination of the designated
use, an appropriate criterion, and an antidegradation policy. This basically
means that the designated use should properly reflect regulatory requirements,
societal preferences, and scientific assessments, while the criterion should
reflect the science relating water quality indicators to use designation.
Standards become operationally
enforceable when they are stated in a manner that makes compliance assessment
clear and unambiguous. Most surface water quality standards are expressed and
evaluated based on a single, point-valued chemical criterion (e.g., 50 ug/l
arsenic for Class C Waters in North Carolina). This criterion is then used for
two primary compliance assessments: (1) current water quality – based on a
comparison of the criterion with measurements to determine if a waterbody is
currently in compliance, and (2) future water quality – based on model
forecasts to determine if proposed management actions will achieve compliance.
Consider the following examples of
the two types of compliance assessments:
The turbidity criterion for Class C Waters in North
Carolina is 50 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units). Given natural variability
in precipitation and water runoff, changes in human activities in developed
watersheds, and measurement error, a set of turbidity measurements over time at
a single sampling station is going to vary.
The chlorophyll a criterion is 40 ug/l for Class
C Waters in North Carolina. Given the uncertainty in predictive model
forecasts, it is highly likely that the upper tail of the probability
distribution characterizing chlorophyll a model forecast error will
exceed 40 ug/l for any feasible management strategy for most waterbodies that
are currently out of compliance.
Based on the wording in the North
Carolina water quality standards, compliance assessment will reflect a
comparison of a precise fixed criterion with a distribution of measurements or
forecasts. From a practical standpoint, how does this comparison proceed? In
other words, is compliance with the criterion to be achieved only if there are
no observations/predictions that exceed the numeric criterion (e.g., zero
violations)? That strategy may be feasible when comparing a set of current
water quality measurements with a fixed criterion. However, that strategy is
generally not practical with water quality model forecasts which will likely yield
a nonzero probability of exceeding a water quality criterion in most
For impaired waters (303(d)) listing
based on measurements of current water quality, the EPA and state agencies have
tended to allow 10% exceedances of the numeric criterion, probably in
acknowledgment of natural variability and measurement error. However, for TMDL
forecasting, which requires compliance assessment with a water quality model, the
EPA and state agencies tend to ignore model forecast uncertainty, despite the
fact that this uncertainty may be quite large. Thus EPA and state agencies lack
practical experience for selection of the allowable percent exceedances of a
criterion associated with future pollutant loading for a TMDL, to account for
model prediction uncertainty.
Allowing a selected percentage of
exceedances of a numeric criterion does make sense. In principle, unless there
is to be an infinite penalty associated with exceedance of a criterion, an
analysis of benefits and costs would lead to probabilistically-based standards that
included a nonzero chance of exceedance of the criterion. In practice,
determining cost/benefit-based standards is a difficult task; hence, the
arbitrary choice of 10% exceedances appeared to be a pragmatic action by EPA.
Still, we should be able to do
better. First, research could help guide the choice of allowable percent
exceedances so that it bears some relation to the consequences of compliance
and noncompliance. Second, research is needed on estimation of model forecast
errors so that application of the standard in forecast scenarios incorporates a
reasonable choice for percent exceedances. Finally, the language in the water
quality standards needs to be expressed so that the standards are operationally
An additional area of concern for
operationally enforceable water quality standards relates to the recent push by
EPA for numeric nutrient criteria, in part to remove the ambiguity of narrative
criteria. However, numeric water quality criteria can also be ambiguous. Consider
the North Carolina numeric dissolved oxygen criterion: “not less than an
average of 5.0 mg/l with a minimum instantaneous value of not less than 4.0
mg/l.” We know that DO varies naturally with temperature in both time and
space. So a dissolved oxygen criterion can be ambiguous and nonprotective
unless it is operationally assessed based on the: (1) space/time variability in
dissolved oxygen in a waterbody, and (2) the “region” of space/time that the DO
standard is intended to protect. Otherwise, water quality monitoring to assess
compliance with this criterion can result in compliance or noncompliance due
solely to a sampling design that ignores natural variability.
The importance of the TMDL program
and the 303(d) listing process has increased the need for operational water
quality standards. By explicitly acknowledging variability and uncertainty
through standards that allow for percent exceedances, the standards become less
ambiguous and more enforceable.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen Florida's nutrient criteria? The wordings are something like this: the annual geometric mean of phosphorus shall not exceed XX more than once in three years. Kansas is also debating whether to use the magnitude-duration-frequency concept in setting nutrient criteria. My view is that we are confusing what Barnett and O'Hagan (1997) called ideal standard and realizable standard. A standard is set with respect to the mean concentration, which is impossible to measure. The ideal standard is then translated into a realizable standard derived from monitoring samples. Unfortunately, the translation is a statistical exercise.