Thursday, November 5, 2020

Reasoning in the Face of Uncertainty


How might we improve decision making in the face of uncertainty? I’ve thought about this a great deal throughout my career since uncertainty exists, whether acknowledged or not, in all decisions concerning proposed actions to protect water quality.

In past assessments ( ) of this issue, I have used decision analysis as my prescriptive model for how to consider uncertainty in model forecasts. That led me to focus on the value of new information that might reduce uncertainty.

However, there is another way to think about uncertainty in decision making, particularly when several management options are being considered. To see this, consider the figure below.

The probability distributions in the figure represent the predicted outcome for two management options affecting the concentration of a key response variable for which lower concentration is better. The peaks of the distributions represent the most likely outcome; this is the only information that would be generated by a deterministic model. Thus, on the basis of a deterministic model prediction alone, the likely decision would be to select management option B, if the management objective is to reduce concentration.

However, note that the prediction for option A has far less uncertainty than that for option B, even though option A is predicted to have a most likely concentration (the peak of the probability distribution) that exceeds the most likely prediction for option B. The uncertainty analysis provides additional information crucial to the decision. To be specific, do we want to select an option that has substantial nonzero probability (represented by the portion of distribution B that exceeds the concentration covered by distribution A) of exceeding the outcome predicted for option A, or do we want to select an option (A) that has a likely predicted higher concentration than option B, but has a lower probability of higher concentrations?

How might uncertainty differences arise between two management options? If these options represent nutrient levels in a lake, for example, option B may represent uncertain nonpoint source controls, while option A may represent more certain point source controls.

Obviously, cost of pollutant control is an essential component of decision making. So, cost of pollutant control may favor either option A or option B, but that does not take away from the fact that uncertainty in the concentration resulting from pollutant control also is useful information. Beyond that, the distribution of costs and benefits to the constituent groups and jurisdictions affected by the decision may be important.

One “take home” message from this hypothetical example is that public sector decision making is complex. To add to this complexity, I am suggesting that the uncertainty in the response to management actions is yet another attribute that should be considered. So, should we ignore prediction uncertainty because the issues are just too complex? Of course not! Public sector decision makers can always choose how to weight the information presented by their support staff. Indeed, they can choose to down weight information on scientific prediction uncertainty. Yet that does not mean that uncertainty no longer exists. As the public, and as decision makers, we lose if decision-relevant information is not available for consideration. Uncertainty in the impact of management decisions should be part of that decision-relevant information.