Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bayesian (Probability) Network Models

Many interesting ecological problems are multivariate and involve complex relationships among variables. To address these issues, probability networks, or Bayes nets (Reckhow 1999), are among the most interesting and potentially useful current research directions for the application of Bayesian methods in ecology and the environmental sciences.
It is common modeling practice to develop a flow diagram consisting of “boxes and arrows” to describe relationships among key variables in an aquatic ecosystem and use this diagram as a device to guide model development and explanation. In ecology, this “graphical model” is typically used to display the flow of materials or energy in an ecosystem. For a probability network, however, the “flows” indicated by the arrows in a graphical model do not represent material flow or energy flow; rather, they represent conditional dependency. Thus, while the probability modeling approach of interest here typically begins with a graphical model, in this case the presence (absence) of an arrow connecting two boxes specifies conditional dependence (independence). An example is given in the figure below for eutrophication in the Neuse Estuary in North Carolina (Borsuk et al. 2004).

Probability networks like that in the figure can be as simple or as complex as scientific needs, knowledge, and data allow. The relationships may reflect direct causal dependencies based on process understanding or a statistical, aggregate summary of more complex associations. In either case, the relationships are characterized by conditional probability distributions that reflect the aggregate response of each variable to changes in its “up-arrow” (or parent) predecessor, together with the uncertainty in that response. In that regards, it is important to recognize that the conditional independence characterized by absence of an arrow in a Bayes net graphical model is not the same as complete independence, a feature that is likely to be quite rare in systems of interest. For example, ecological knowledge suggests that many of the variables in the figure are likely to be interrelated or interdependent. However, the arrows in the figure indicate that conditional on sediment oxygen demand and duration of stratification, frequency of hypoxia is independent of all other variables. This means that once sediment oxygen demand and duration of stratification are known, knowledge of other variables does not change the probability (frequency) of hypoxia.
Conditional probability relationships may be based on either (1) observational/experimental data or (2) expert scientific judgment. Observational data that consist of precise measurements of the variable or relationship of interest are likely to be the most useful, and least controversial, information. Unfortunately, appropriate and sufficient observational data may not always exist. Experimental evidence may fill this gap, but concerns may arise regarding the applicability of this information to the natural, uncontrolled system, and appropriate experimental data may also be limited. As a consequence, the elicited judgment of scientific experts may be required to quantify some of the probabilistic relationships (see: http://kreckhow.blogspot.com/2013/07/quantifying-expert-judgment-for.html). Of course, the use of subjective judgment is not unusual in water quality modeling. Even the most process-based computer simulations rely on subjective judgment as the basis for the mathematical formulations and the choice of parameter values. Therefore, the explicit use of scientific judgment in probability networks should be an acceptable practice. In fact, by formalizing the use of judgment through well-established techniques for expert assessment, the probability network method may improve the chances of accurate and honest predictions.
The Bayes net presented in the figure above as a graphical model was used for development of the TMDL (total maximum daily load) for nitrogen in the Neuse Estuary to address water quality standard violations (Borsuk et al. 2003). Several features of the Bayes net improved the modeling and analysis for the Neuse nitrogen TMDL. To facilitate explanations and to enhance credibility, the underlying structure of the Neuse probability network (reflected in the variables and relationships conveyed in the graphical model) is designed to be consistent with mechanistic understanding. The relationships in this model are probabilistic; they were estimated using a combination of optimization techniques and expert judgment. The predicted responses are also probabilistic, reflecting uncertainty in the model forecast. This is important, as it allows computation of a “margin of safety” which is required by the US EPA for the assessment of a total maximum daily load. In addition, the Bayes net model can be updated (using Bayes Theorem) as new information is obtained; this supports adaptive implementation, which is becoming an important strategy for successful environmental management.
Applications of Bayes nets are becoming more common in the environmental literature. Reckhow, Borsuk, and Stow (see Reckhow 1999, 2010, and Borsuk et al. 2003, 2004) present additional details documenting the Neuse Estuary Bayes net models described above, as well as Bayes nets developed and applied to address other issues. Software, both commercial and free, is available for development and application of Bayes nets; some examples are Hugin (http://www.hugin.com/), Netica (http://www.norsys.com/netica.html) BayesiaLab (http://www.bayesia.us/), and GeNIe (http://genie.sis.pitt.edu/).

Borsuk, Mark E., Craig A. Stow, and Kenneth H. Reckhow. 2003. An integrated approach to TMDL development for the Neuse River estuary using a Bayesian probability network model (Neu-BERN) . Journal Water Resources Planning and Management. 129:271-282.

Borsuk, M.E., C.A. Stow, and K.H. Reckhow. 2004. A Bayesian network of eutrophication models for synthesis, prediction, and uncertainty analysis. Ecological Modelling. 173:219-239.
Reckhow, K.H. 2010. Bayesian Networks for the Assessment of the Effect of Urbanization on Stream Macroinvertebrates. Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Press. HICSS-43. Kauai, Hawaii.

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